The show takes its title from one of Lussu’s vibrant watercolours 'Dalle finestre del mio studio si vede il mare' (You can see the sea from my studio’s windows). The show is curated by Fondazione MACC’s director, Efisio Carbone, who has poetically brought together a selection of dynamic and vibrant watercolours from Lussu’s archive and Gioscia installation.
'Ramadura Marina' is formed from an experiential archive of sea-related materials and emotions, such as the feelings we experience on witnessing a sunset, enshrined between layers of translucent fabrics. The hanging textiles cascade into a stream of organic materials and minerals borrowed from the local beaches. At the end of the show anything that has been lent by the landscape will be carefully restored back to where it belongs.
The exhibition runs until 26 June 2022.